Love in a Lighthouse series

Meet author Melanie Dobson

Writing fiction is Melanie Dobson’s excuse to immerse herself in the past by reading old books, interviewing new friends, and exploring fascinating places around the world. She is the award-winning author of almost thirty historical, time-slip, and romantic… Read More

Happy Valentine’s Day!

All of my novels have a sweet and clean romance in them. I thought you’d like to get to know my main character in A Summer at Thousand Island House, so here’s an interview with her. Hope you… Read More

Christmas gift ideas

Thanks for being a faithful subscriber/reader to my blog. I often feature author friends and their work, but I thought you’d like a peek at mine this week. I have eleven so far. Which is your favorite? I’d… Read More

Let’s Meet Addi

In my latest Thousand Island Gilded Age story, A Summer at Thousand Island House, Addison Bell (Addi), is my protagonist. Here’s a little excerpt from the story so you can get to know her a little. Enjoy! Addi’s… Read More

Thousand Islands Searchlight Boat Tours

Though I haven’t had the privilege of experiencing a searchlight tour, my fascination with them brought me to include an important searchlight boat tour scene in my latest story, A Summer at Thousand Island House. But what are… Read More

The Columbian Hotel Disaster

The Columbian Hotel, along with the Wellesley Hotel that still exists today, sat in the center of the Thousand Island Park on Wellesley Island, a charming Victorian summer community in the heart of the Thousand Islands. It was… Read More

Thousand Island Park

Thousand Island Park has been on my list of places to write about, and I’ve finally checked off this wonderful story in Mary’s Moment. Here’s a little about TI Park, the setting for this fiery novel.  Tell us… Read More

Thousand Island Park’s Mary’s Moment is out!

My long awaited Thousand Island Park story is out! Here’s a little bit about my tenth and newest novel, Mary’s Moment: It’s the Summer 1912, and Thousand Island Park’s switchboard operator ​Mary Flynn is christened the community heroine for her… Read More

Touring the Thousand Islands

In most of my novels, I take the readers on a boat tour of the Thousand Islands, and in Rachel’s Reunion, it’s no exception. This time, though, you get to travel with William Howard Taft, who would one… Read More