Peyton’s Promise: God in Social Change?

Have you ever struggled with waiting for God to change something, whether in your personal life or in the culture? Peyton sure did! Here’s an excerpt from Peyton’s Promise. Hope you’ll grab a copy and enjoy…the rest of… Read More

Rachel’s Reunion

Peyton’s Promise: Sign Language at its Best

Have you ever enjoyed a secret sign of love with someone? Peyton and Patrick did. Here’s an excerpt from Peyton’s Promise. Hope you’ll grab a copy and enjoy…the rest of the story! As Mrs. Milton returned to the… Read More

Book Tour fun

I just returned from my annual book tour in the Thousand Islands, and, as always, it filled my soul to the full, not just because I sold out of my books and met so many wonderful fans, but… Read More

Peyton’s Promise: Art Nouveau?

As Peyton works on reupholstering furniture in Calumet Castle, Art Nouveau fabric becomes a focus. But what is Art Nouveau? It was a popular aesthetic movement from 1890-1910. It was meant to modernize the Victorian-era with geometric and… Read More

Peyton’s Promise: A Surprise Reunion

Here’s an excerpt from Peyton’s Promise. I hope you’ll pick up a copy and enjoy…the rest of the story. “As I live and breathe, could it be the fair young lassie who stole my heart while I was… Read More

NEW RELEASE! Peyton’s Promise is here

Peyton’s Promise, my eighth Thousand Islands story, released yesterday! I hope you’ll pick up a copy and enjoy the story. Here’s the gist of it: Summer 1902 Peyton Quinn is tasked with preparing the grand Calumet Castle ballroom… Read More

A Thousand Islands Vacation Planner

After reading my Thousand Islands Gilded Age books, dozens of you have said that the Thousand Islands is now on your Bucket List. So, to help you plan for your great adventure, I thought I’d give you some… Read More

Valentine’s Day treats

There are lots of Valentine’s Day treats—boxes of candies, decadent desserts, lovely cards. But if your loved one likes to read, giving the gift of a book will last much longer than the sweets—and not leave them with… Read More

The St. Lawrence River’s moods

As in all my Thousand Islands Gilded Age stories, in Colleen’s Confession, Colleen Sullivan comes to love the St. Lawrence and Comfort Island. She loves to draw it and dreams of growing in the craft. But tragedy strikes… Read More