Coming soon! Love at a Lighthouse series

Three amazing Thousand Islands stories set in lighthouses. Check them out! Book One Libby’s Lighthouse Tibbetts Point Lighthouse Summer, 1894 When a lighthouse keeper’s daughter finds a mysterious sailor with amnesia, the secrets she uncovers may change her… Read More

A Summer at Thousand Island House

Hi friends! Do you have Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited? Guess what? The second edition of A Summer at Thousand Island House is now free in the library. If you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited, even if you purchased the first edition, it would be… Read More

Thousand Island House History

Liam averted her attention, pointing to the hotel. “Let’s start here with a brief history. The Thousand Island House was finished in 1873, the year after President Grant visited the islands with George Pullman and thus began the… Read More

Fiction by Susan G Mathis

Thanks for being a faithful subscriber/reader to my blog. I often feature author friends and their work, but I thought you’d like a peek at mine this week. I have eleven so far. Which is your favorite? I’d… Read More

Photography in 1904

It’s always fun to research new things, and I had fun learning about cameras and photography in 1904. The Century Camera was a favorite of professionals, and the Brownie was an all-around every man’s camera that was sold… Read More

Number Nine is out!

It’s hard to believe that in just five years I have written, and published, nine historical fiction titles. In the beginning, I had only planned to write The Fabric of Hope, but then Susan’s story in Christmas Charity… Read More

The Thrill of the Win!

Recently, I opened my email and found that I’d won not one—but TWO—book awards. Sara’s Surprise won the 2020 American Book Fest Fiction Award, and Katelyn’s Choice was a finalist in the same award contest. Moreover, a month… Read More

New Release: Katelyn’s Choice

The Gilded Age comes to life in this first installment of the Thousand Islands Series! Katelyn Kavanagh’s mother dreamed her daughter would one day escape the oppressive environment of their Upstate New York farm for service in the… Read More