Happy 1st Birthday to Katelyn’s Choice!

Horray! It’s the first birthday of Katelyn’s Choice, the first novel in my Thousand Islands Gilded Age series. It’s gotten great reviews and recently won the Illumination Book Award bronze medal! My second book, Devyn’s Dilemma releases in… Read More

Abused by your Boss?

Workplace abuse is grownup bullying at it’s worst. It’s any pattern of behaviors meant to intimidate, offend, exclude, and/or humiliate a person. It might be verbal abuse, gossip, yelling, sarcasm, spreading malicious rumors, offensive behavior, mistreatment, and even… Read More

A great Christmas gift

Wow! Christmas in a week? No way! I hope you’ve enjoyed my stories, whether The Fabric of Hope, Christmas Charity, Katelyn’s Choice, or my most recent novella, Sara’s Surprise. Any (or all) of them would make great Christmas… Read More

Sara’s Surprise

Sara’s Surprise released a few weeks ago and is getting rave reviews. If you’ve read it, please consider writing a review. If not, here’s a quick excerpt: Sara carefully picked up one of the heavy trays with three… Read More

Susan G Mathis releases Sara’s Surprise

Hi friends, I’m thrilled to release book two of the Thousand Islands Brides novellas. Here’s the back cover copy: Sara ​O’Neill, works as an assistant pastry chef at the magnificent Thousand Islands Crossmon Hotel where she meets precocious,… Read More

New Release: Katelyn’s Choice

The Gilded Age comes to life in this first installment of the Thousand Islands Series! Katelyn Kavanagh’s mother dreamed her daughter would one day escape the oppressive environment of their Upstate New York farm for service in the… Read More

Christmas Charity, Susan’s novella, is out!

Hi friends! I’m thrilled to let you know that my newest book has just come out. Here’s a little more about it. Anne Greene, multi-published, award-winning author, said, “This truly delightful novella goes straight to the reader’s heart…. Read More

An interview with Susan G Mathis

Hey friends, Several of you wanted a deeper look into me as an author. Why? Beats me. But since you asked, here it is. Enjoy! Smiles, Susan ~ ~ ~   How would you describe your writing to… Read More

Susan’s Picture Books

As most of you know, I have two published children’s picture books for my youngest readers, parents, and grandparents—Lexie’s Adventure in Kenya and Princess Madison’s Rainbow Adventure. Both are lovely, illustrated storybooks for children ages four to eight.    … Read More

The Power of Yes!

This is the second time this year that I’ve had the privilege of being a contributing author to a Chicken Soup book! Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Power of Yes!  released yesterday, August 14, and Chicken Soup… Read More