Why Life, Love, and Legacy?

As many of you have noticed, and commented, I’ve revised my blog to talk about topics around life, love, and leaving a legacy. But why have I made this change? Because all three matter to me. Life? Yes,… Read More
A High View of Blending Family Life

When there are kids in the home, it’s often critical for you as a couple to take a long-term view of family life. Yes, in the short term, you’ll probably be sacrificing many of your wants and desires—and… Read More
Prepare for Your Marriage

Many couples get engaged on Valentine’s Day and find them busy with preparing for their wedding. But less than 30 percent of couples actually prepare for the rest of their lives together by reading premarital books, taking a… Read More
A Valentine’s Gift That Keeps on Giving

In our living room there is a symbol we used in our wedding ceremony. It’s a three-strand cord of red, white, and gold. For us, it symbolizes that the commitment we made to marriage wasn’t just between the… Read More
Water Your Marriage

I have a spider plant that just won’t stop making babies. I really don’t do much with the plant, but I faithfully water it, give it plenty of sunshine, and fertilize it once a month. So it happily… Read More
Micro-Seasons in Marriage

Ecclesiastes says “there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”. That includes those micro-seasons of marriage within every day, week, and year. So how do you manage those micro-seasons of marriage?… Read More
10 Commandments for Christmas (Part Four)

How can we apply the 7th and 8th Commandments to our busy American Christmas season? Let’s see. Commandment 7: Don’t commit adultery Really? At first, it was a mystery for me to know how to apply this commandment… Read More
A Honeymoon That Never Ends

Remember how thrilling your dating days were? And what about those happy honeymoon memories? I bet you wished it would never end, right? Well, it really doesn’t. Though you may not be able to stay on the cruise or… Read More