My Picture Book Critique Group

Each month I meet with my critique group, and I love it. Each of us is working specifically on picture books, and we are all learning a lot about this special area of writing. We hone each other’s work…. Read More
Instructive Words

“Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge,” Proverb 23:12. This morning I enjoyed watching robins searching our lush green grass for their breakfast. The bigger bird found a fat, juicy worm, pulled… Read More
Get Smart
“Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge, Proverbs 23:12. I’ve always encouraged my children, friends, students, and others to be “lifelong learners.” Whether you’re my 92-year-old Mom, a young mother, or a new… Read More
Great Expectations

As I booked my flights for the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) confererence, it dawned on me. I’ve been going to writers conferences for over 15 years, but this is the first time I’ve solely gone as a… Read More