The Blessing of Writing

I just returned from a wonderful writers conference and was thoroughly blessed. When I read Matthew 5, I thought of how this scripture related to the writing life. Jesus taught the multitudes, saying, “Blessed are the poor in… Read More

Meet Elizabeth Ludwig

Note: For those of you who are writers, you’ll enjoy this interview. For those who aren’t, here’s a free peek into our crazy world of writing plus, you’ll hear about the fiction she writes. Smiles, Susan Elizabeth Ludwig… Read More

Meet the Author: Susan G Mathis

Just for fun, I thought I’d start out my Meet the Author blogs with my husband interviewing me! Tell us about your newest book. Why did you write The Fabric of Hope: An Irish Family Legacy? I feel… Read More

Travel Writing

My latest work in progress is the first in a series about the Thousand Islands, and I’ll soon be heading there to do some research for my first two books in this series. There’s nothing like being there—seeing,… Read More

Just Playing Around

When I’m with my granddaughters, one of our favorite things to do is to go to a playground. Their imagination goes wild! Swings let them fly like birds. Slides let them soar like a dolphin in the blue… Read More

My Picture Book Critique Group

Each month I meet with my critique group, and I love it. Each of us is working specifically on picture books, and we are all learning a lot about this special area of writing. We hone each other’s work…. Read More

God-given Words

“The eyes of the Lord keep watch over knowledge, but he frustrates the words of the unfaithful,” Proverb 22:12.   Let’s admit it. Have you ever felt frustrated, trying to find the right word as you talk with… Read More

Instructive Words

“Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge,” Proverb 23:12.   This morning I enjoyed watching robins searching our lush green grass for their breakfast. The bigger bird found a fat, juicy worm, pulled… Read More

A Setting That Sells

I love to read vibrant settings in stories, don’t you? They are those settings that make you feel like you’re right there, in the story, at the very spot where the story takes place. Recently I read Amber… Read More

Add to the Beauty

Sara Groves’ song, “Add to the Beauty” is one of my favorites. In many ways, it’s like an anthem declaring why I write. I want to add to the beauty of life through my words. As writers, we… Read More