He’s Got a Plan

images-1I’m so glad God has a plan for each of our lives. His purpose, His will, and His plan for my life have taken lots of twists and turns over the years. Ultimately, it’s always been good (although it didn’t always feel so good) whether it’s been in my family life, my work life, my church life, or my personal life.

Although my family was tainted by heartache, God’s plan for family life has a special purpose and framework. You get married, have children, raise them to love God and be productive people, and then watch them start their own families. What a beautiful plan God created for the family unit, and I’m blessed to experience it now.

In my work life, I’ve gone from being a preschool teacher to a grade-school teacher to a missions curriculum writer to an editor and editorial director to an author and now a full-time freelance writer/editor/writing coach. Whew! It can make my head spin just to think about it all, but I’ve loved every season the Lord gave me in these unique and wonderful opportunities. Now, as I work on my novel, I continue to trust in His plan for my writing life.

In my church life, though I’ve been a part of several churches over the years, in every one I’ve been blessed and made a point to serve wherever I could as well as be a part of a small group when I could. Each time I’ve had rich, and sometimes stretching, experiences that have helped me to grow and mature in Christ.

And personally? Oh what a treasure each of my friends and family have been—from childhood until now! Some have been lifetime friends; other have passed through my life like a fragrant breeze. Some have shaken me to my core and caused me to kneel at His feet in tears, while others have taught me the meaning of humility, contrition, and redemption.

Through all the journey of discovering His will and purpose for my life in each season of it, I have found that He, alone, is the One who can work it all out for my very best, and He will for you, too. May your discovery be as amazing as mine has been, and may you find Him faithful in every season of it.

“In Him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will,” Ephesians 1:11.

How have you seen God lead and guide you into His plan and purpose?



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1 Comments on “He’s Got a Plan

  1. So true, thanks Susan!
    Sometimes when we are in the thick of things, and we can’t see His purpose, or even Him in it. Scary. But on hindsight we can, and it is good to know He’s got this! 🙂 Great post thanks! x

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