Sweet Words

Unknown“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” Psalm 119:103

I recently had the privilege of doing several workshops for the Evangelical Press Association Convention. One of those workshops was a discussion about applying a biblical worldview to your writing and editing. In two weeks, I’ll be giving the same workshop at the Colorado Christian Writers Conference.

It’s true! God’s word is sweet, even when we read words of conviction or correction. Through His word we find understanding, wisdom, and truth. And once you get a taste for those sweet words and let them become a part of you, “from the overflow of his heart, his mouth speaks,” Luke 6:45b. Or writes.

Yet in today’s secular world, unbiblical views can creep into our thinking and writing far too easily. In the past year I’ve edited both articles and books from Christian authors who had obvious unbiblical views. I’m sure they weren’t trying to mislead anyone or send their readers away from God’s truth; it’s just that the world’s views snuck into their thinking and writing without them even noticing it. When I discussed their faulty thinking and and writing, and then showed the scriptural truth of it, these authors were embarrassed, even appalled that they didn’t see their errors.

We are simply bombarded from every direction with unbiblical views. Yesterday as I walked through the airport on my way home I saw several marketing messages that were decidedly unbiblical. On Facebook, folks are posting “send healing energies to Nepal” and other new age ideas every day, many from Christian sources. And on TV and in movies? Well, you get all kinds of unbiblical messages.

The point is, as believers, we not only need to be vigilant to consciously reject the unbiblical worldviews that come our way, but we also need to fill our minds and hearts with His sweet words. Only then will you taste and see that the Lord is good and then speak and write words that lead to eternal life.

What unbiblical worldview have you seen creep into your world lately? I’d love to know.



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1 Comments on “Sweet Words

  1. Such a great reminder to me to guard my heart from the messages of the world, and to fill up on God’s rich and beautiful Word. Thanks Susan.

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