Sherrinda Ketchersid on medieval era historical romance

Sherrinda Ketchersid is a lover of stories with happily-ever-after endings. Whether set in the past or present, romance is what she writes and where her dreams reside. Sherrinda lives in north-central Texas with her preacher husband. With four grown children, three guys and a gal, she has more time and energy to spin tales of faith, fun, and forever love.


Tell us about your newest book.

Lady Jocelyn Ashburne suspects something is amiss at her family’s castle because her father ceases to write to her. When she overhears a plot to force her into vows—either to the church or a husband—she disguises herself and flees the convent in desperation to discover the truth.

Malcolm Castillon of Berkham is determined to win the next tournament and be granted a manor of his own. After years of proving his worth on the jousting field, he yearns for a life of peace. Rescuing a scrawny lad who turns out to be a beautiful woman is not what he bargained for. Still, he cannot deny that she stirs his heart like no other, in spite of her conniving ways.

Chaos, deception, and treachery threaten their goals, but both are determined to succeed. Learning to trust each other might be the only way either of them survives.

What inspired you to write Lord of Her Heart?

When I hit the age of forty, I decided I would write the book I always wanted to write. I didn’t want to come to the end of my life and regret not even trying. So that is what I did. I love the medieval era and began researching women during that time. That’s when I learned about rich women being sent to convents for an education. I began to ask the question ‘what if’. What if a woman was forced to remain? What if her family ceased to communicate with her? What if she found out she had to take her vows to the church or marry an old man? Those questions led to Jocelyn’s story and her escape from a convent.

What genre do you focus on and why?

I focus on historical romance for a couple of reasons. I love learning about the past and how people lived before all of our modern conveniences. When you couple that with romance and all that involves, it helps me to escape easier into another world. It is fascinating to me that people had the same goals and desires back then as they do now, yet had different constraints and societal structures they had to adhere to.

Why do you write? What drives you?

I write because the thought of bringing someone as much joy as books have brought me just makes my heart happy. I love happily-ever-after endings. I love romance. I love to live vicariously through the adventures my characters have (I’m not the most adventurous person!). And if someone catches a spiritual truth in the story, then … well, let’s just say that would be an immense blessing. I want to make God smile through my writing.

Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?

My main character’s name is Jocelyn Ashburne. I chose Jocelyn because it was a pretty name from the time period. So many names back in medieval times were like Mary, Matilde, Maude, Elizabeth, etc… I wanted something different and pretty, yet still true to the era.

What is the hardest part of being an author? Why?

So far, the hardest part of being an author has been the self-doubt. It is incredibly difficult to keep my focus on Jesus and not compare myself to other writers. When that happens, it is paralyzing and hinders my ability to create. I’m learning though. It’s a slow and deliberate process to daily give my time, energy, creativity—even success—over to the Lord. It makes all the difference.

What’s the best part of your author’s life? Why?

One of the best parts of my author life has been making life-long friends in the writing community. There is such camaraderie and support from writers all over the world. Seriously, it is such a gift.

What’s one unusual fact about you?

An unusual fact about me is that I, and every female in my family, have scoliosis (curvature of the spine). It runs mainly in females. My mother, her mother, my daughter, my two sisters and their daughters have it. Out of the eight of us, three had to wear a back brace, including me. I had to wear a metal and leather brace during my freshman and sophomore year of high school. Think Joan Cusack in Pretty in Pink. Yes, I was that awkward! While I hated it at the time, I can sure laugh about it now!

What is your favorite pastime?

I love to read, as does every writer, I’m sure. I also love to tend my flower beds, play with my seven month puppy Phineas, and play in my art room. Getting paints out and journaling in my Bible has become a special time of worship for me.

What are you working on now?

I am in the editing/rewriting phase of my second book, His to Keep. It is the story of Ian McGowan, the head guardsman in Lord of Her Heart. I fell in love with Ian and knew he needed his own story. He has a challenging road ahead of him, but faces each obstacle with courage and determination.


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