Countdown for Spanish-speaking Couples

DSCN7601The Spanish translation of Countdown for Couples: Preparing for the Adventure of Marriage has just released, and we’re very excited about it! Knowing how important marriage and family life is to the Spanish-speaking community, we are thrilled that we can help prepare couples for the adventure of marriage.

In it we review the basics, but we also go deeper and address things you may never have thought you needed—or wanted—to know or talk about. If you view premarital preparation as a countdown to an adventure, a journey deeper into the life of the one you’re planning to marry, it’ll be one of the most exciting and important things you’ve done together so far.

Research and common sense indicate that engaged couples will have stronger, more successful marriages if they participate in premarital counseling. Countdown for Couples addresses the issues of greatest interest and importance to engaged couples, delivers this insight in an easy-to-use format, and tackles many important questions. Before you begin the adventure of marriage, open the map and see where you’re going.

All around the world—from our friends here in the States to those in Central and South America to couples in the Caribbean and Spain and all over the world—couples now have a resource to help them get ready for the greatest adventure of their lives—marriage.

Please pass on the word and let your Spanish-speaking friends know about this valuable resource. Thanks!

Also available in English and Indonesian.



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