Meet Bible study author Kathy Howard

Kathy Howard has a passion for God’s Word that’s contagious. With more than 30 years of experience, Kathy has taught the Bible in dozens of states, internationally, and in a wide range of venues. Kathy, who has a Masters of Religious Education, is a devotional and Bible study author. She and her husband live near family in the Dallas/Ft Worth. They have three married children, and six grandchildren.

Tell us about your newest book.

Deep Rooted: Growing through the Gospel of Mark, is a 40-day devotional journey through the life and ministry of Jesus. “Deep Rooted” will show you how to interact with and apply Scripture, not just read it. This devotional will nurture a delight for God’s Word that keeps you rooted and growing.

What inspired you to write Deep Rooted?

The concept for my new devotional book “Deep Rooted” was inspired by a Bible reading group I started on Facebook several years ago. I break Bible books up into bite-sized daily pieces and supply commentary and questions. The women read the passage, study it based on my prompts, then discuss it in the comments. The feedback and growth have been so positive. Since the format obviously meets a need, I decided to adapt it to this book format.

What genre do you focus on?

I focus on Bible studies and devotional books. I especially love opening God’s Word in person with a group of women, whether in a small group at my own church or in a larger setting like a church retreat or conference. Writing Bible studies and devotionals is a way to reach even more women with God’s Word.

Why do you write?

I long to help women deepen their relationship with God and live lives that please Him. The Bible offers everything they need to thrive spiritually. But many women need help and encouragement to get into God’s Word regularly. In whatever I write, I work not only to help them gain Bible knowledge, but to also encourage them to apply it to their lives, and to equip them to study God’s Word for themselves.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?

I am a slow writer in general and in particular a slow starter. It’s rare that I can sit down at my desk and jump right in. That’s why I like to write in large blocks of time rather than snatching an hour here or a half hour there. So, I block off whole days to write, days when I don’t have to do anything else or go anywhere. On those days I drink lots of coffee and spend a lot of time in my pajamas! My best writing time is the morning so I start early and work until late afternoon. When I’m on a book deadline, I block off three to five full days a week for writing. Then I lump other tasks, errands, appointments, and time with friends in the other days.

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

Learning that my writing has positively impacted a reader’s life is the best part of this calling. Getting those emails or social media comments encourage me to keep going. Writing can be very discouraging and God knows just when I need that dose of encouragement.

What’s one unusual fact about you?

I have a bit of a competitive streak. I enjoying playing games and cards with family and friends. But I really like to win. I also enjoy word games and really good at Words with Friends.

What is your favorite pastime?

I read a lot, particularly fiction set during the second World War. I also enjoy gardening, cooking, hiking in the mountains, and fishing with my husband.

Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

“Deep Rooted” is my ninth book to be published. I also have four Bible studies, two devotional books, and a Christian living book titled “Fed Up with Flat Faith.”

 What are you working on now?

Right now, I’m in the editing phase for a devotional book with Tyndale titled “Heirloom: Living and Leaving a Legacy of Faith.” “Heirloom” is a 52-day gift devotional that combines family faith stories with tips for leaving a spiritual legacy and tips for genealogy research. “Heirloom” tells those faith stories from history and Scripture that positively impact future generations. I had a great time researching and writing this one! “Heirloom” will release in early summer 2021.


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