Meet author Davalynn Spencer

Davalynn Spencer’s story-devotions have appeared in multiple publications including The Upper Room, Power for Living, and Guideposts’ All God’s Creatures and Miracles Do Happen. She is a bestselling, multi-published author of inspirational Western romance, former award-winning journalist, and sought-after speaker for women’s events. She makes her home along the Front Range of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains with mouse detectors Annie and Buffalo Bill.

Tell us about your newest book.

Always Before Me – 90 Story-Devotions for Women, is a three-month collection of brief, day-warming inspirations that focus on hearing and seeing God in our everyday lives. A moment of insight is sometimes all it takes to find strength in the struggle.

What inspired you to write Always Before Me?

During my nonfiction years as a journalist, I wrote inspirational reflections for the religion page in my local newspaper. Over time, these reflections became part of my blog and appeared in several national publications. It was time to collect some of them in a devotional book, and I was honored to have you, Susan G. Mathis, write the foreword for this book.

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?

Every place we go, God has been. Every circumstance we face, He has seen. The same Voice that spoke the world into existence speaks in our hearts today, and we can hear Him if we learn to listen. We can see Him if we learn to watch.

Why do you write?

I write because I absolutely have to. All these novels in my head and heart must get out somehow!

What is the hardest part of being an author?

For me, the hardest part of being an author is everything else I have to do besides write the story of my heart. I refer to the hours of marketing, promotion, and advertising as “underground construction.”

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

I love living in the story while I’m writing and putting it all on paper/screen. I also enjoy meeting readers and listening to what they have to say about my books whether they enjoyed them or have informational comments.

What’s one unusual fact about you?

I was married to a professional rodeo clown and bullfighter—hence my love for all things cowboy. One summer in Estes Park, Colorado, my husband, Mike, was injured saving a fallen bull rider and could not return to the arena for several days. However, we had contracted to provide comedy routines during the rodeo performances as well as bullfighting. I dressed up like Mike and worked the clown acts. But I didn’t run in front of the bulls. Mama didn’t raise no fool!

What is your favorite pastime?

Music is the love of my life. I sing and play the keyboard with my church worship team and I’m blessed to do so.

Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

All of my books are listed on my website with descriptions and buy links, as well as on my Amazon author page. I write primarily historical Western romance, but a few contemporary cowboy love stories showed up along the way, as well as inspirational nonfiction.

What are you working on now?

I’m currently working on Book 5 of The Cañon City Chronicles. It continues the family saga of the Hutton twins, Hugh and Caleb, and the struggles, challenges, and loves they find on Colorado’s front range in the 1910s.


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