Pleasure in the Process

DSCN3786After watching the movie, Chariots of Fire, many years ago, someone asked me this question: “When do you feel God’s pleasure?” It didn’t take long before I blurted out “When I write, I feel God’s pleasure,” and it struck me as deeply as it struck her. The answer revealed a high and holy calling on my life, and I was humbled.

Since then, I’ve done lots of writing, and I’ve taught children and adults about the craft of writing. I’ve encouraged new writers and mentored editors, both who are dear to my heart. I’ve been blessed to share what I’ve learned through the years, and I love putting it to practice on a daily basis.

Three years ago I left Focus on the Family to fulfill the desire and calling to write full time. As the Founding Editor of Thriving Family magazine, it was hard to give up “my baby” up for adoption, so to speak. And leaving my staff—who were close and dear friends—wasn’t easy either. But I had been so busy directing the ministry that I hadn’t written, even a simple article, in over two years.

The transition has been tougher than I expected, but I knew God was calling me to it. And looking back on these past three years, I realize that His leading as been an awesome journey of faith. And He’s not through yet!

Since then, The ReMarriage Adventure, my second book, has released. I’ve seen our first book, Countdown for Couples, be translated and published in Indonesian and in Spanish, giving them the potential to reach millions. And I’ve coached several aspiring writers and helped seasoned writers prepare their project for publication by editing their books. I’ve done lots of speaking, taught writing classes in South Africa, and had lots of writing opportunities.

Now I’m taking a new path as a novelist, and I’m feeling God’s pleasure in the process. I just finished my first book, and I’ll soon start book two in the series. And there is nothing like knowing that God is leading me and guiding me all the way!

What journey of faith does God have you on these days? I’d love to know.



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