Meet Christine Lindsay

Irish-born Christine Lindsay is the author of multi-award-winning Christian fiction and non-fiction. Readers describe her writing as gritty yet tender, realistic yet larger than life, with historical detail that collides into the heart of psychological and relationship drama. Christine’s books have garnered the ACFW Genesis Award, The Grace Award, Canada’s The Word Guild Award (Twice), the Readers’ Choice Award, and was a finalist twice for Readers’ Favorite and the Selah Award.

Tell us about your newest book.

I was so excited and yet humbled when Sofi’s Bridge won the RWA Reader’s Choice Award 2016 for short historical romance. My good friend Lena Nelson Dooley won the same year in the long historical romance, so I’m in excellent company. Sofi’s Bridge is my first book set in the US. Being an Irish immigrant, I really enjoy writing about Ireland and Irish heroes, so while Sofi’s Bridge is set in the US it does feature a dashing Irish immigrant hero, and Sofi is a second-generation American of Swedish descent. It’s a suspenseful story set in majestic Washington State mountains with a dash of murder, and touches on the subject of grief and the different ways people struggle to find their way out to a happier plain. But, like all my books there is a very happy and romantic ending.

What genre do you focus on and why?

I’ve written in a few genres, but my focus is mainly on historical fiction with a strong love story. This is slightly different from a historical romance where the romance is the main focus, like Sofi’s Bridge is. I love history, and really enjoy taking my reader to that world that no longer exists. Letting the reader almost walk around and breathe the air of yesteryear.

Why do you write? What drives you?

God gave me an artist’s soul, so I basically have to write or paint. About 18 years ago I decided to focus on writing as that allowed me to help others through the medium of story-telling. While I entertain the reader with adventure and romance I aim to give them hope for their own dark days.

Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?

Sofi is the main female character and I always liked the name Sophi or Sophia, so when I did my research on Swedish immigrants to the US, I found the Scandinavian spelling. The name is soft yet strong like my character who is gentle with her traumatized sister yet tough enough to stand up in her sister’s defense, to the point that Sofi kidnaps Trina and whisks her away to hide in a mountain cabin with only the help of Neil Macpherson, who is really Dr. Neil Galloway on the run from the British Police.

What is the hardest part of being an author? Why?

Marketing, telling prospective readers about your work. Even though I do public speaking I’m a shy person. I don’t like talking about myself or bragging on my work. I’m much happier writing the story. Although I do love getting to know readers on Facebook.

What’s the best part of your author’s life? Why?

Feeling the creative freedom that comes from God. He is the reason I write, and when I work on a story I feel His presence. I love the energy that comes from the Holy Spirit as I work. That doesn’t mean that it’s easy every day. There are many days that I feel dry and the work feels all uphill. However, even in those tough times I enjoy God’s encouragement to keep on, to never give up.

What is the craziest thing you’ve experienced as an author?

The craziest thing is that when people find out you’re a published author they stand there in awe as if you’re something special. “Wow, you write books,” they say. While it’s very flattering it’s also embarrassing. Everyone is talented. Everyone has something special that they can do. I want to celebrate with others what they can do.

What are you most proud of?

Accomplishing a body of work that the Lord and I worked on together and that my stories bless and encourage readers.

Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

My multi-award-winning historical trilogy, “Twilight of the British Raj,” has three titles: Shadowed in Silk, Captured by Moonlight, and the finale Veiled at Midnight.

A short contemporary romance set in Ireland called Londonderry Dreaming. Sofi’s Bridge, and lastly my one and only non-fiction memoir that explains my journey into writing called Finding Sarah Finding Me. The is the true-life story of finding the daughter I gave up for adoption.

What are you working on now?

I’m currently writing Book 1 of a new trilogy set in Ireland. This book is a time-split novel between present day and the past when one of the heroines lives during the Irish Uprising. Very romantic and atmospheric set on the gorgeous Irish coast.


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