Meet author Morgan Tarpley Smith

Morgan Tarpley Smith is a world traveler who weaves stories of history and heart. She loves to write inspirational fiction that transports readers to faraway places and intertwines past and present to explore questions of truth and faith. Morgan is an award-winning journalist, freelance writer, and author assistant, who lives in Louisiana with her husband and son. For more information, visit

Tell us about your newest book.

The novella collection features three heartwarming, interconnected stories of faith, love, and restoration, brought to you by three authors from Louisiana, which is the book’s setting. Three local women from the same family are at the center of each story along with their love interest since this is a contemporary romance.

Here’s a bit more about each novella:

In A Louisiana Snow by Morgan Tarpley Smith, meet Mattie: A passionate visionary who learns to forgive and finds love in unexpected places…

In Restoring Christmas by Betsy St. Amant, meet Jolene: An artist and prodigal daughter who discovers love exists in the very place she once called home…

In A Christmas Reunion by Lenora Worth, meet Adale: A beautiful widow who finally dares to love again…

And don’t forget Granny, whose feisty spirit, blunt dialogue, and quirky ways play an important and endearing role.

What inspired you to write “A Louisiana Christmas to Remember”?

At its root, this novella collection was inspired by a 2021 social media post. An avid reader of Christian fiction was compiling a list of Christmas books set in all 50 U.S. states and hadn’t listed one for Louisiana. I was tagged in the post, but I couldn’t think of a single title. Then, someone commented, “why don’t you write one,” and my mind was whirling. Not long afterward, Lenora and Betsy were graciously on board, and the characters of Mattie, Jolene, and Adale drifted into our lives like a Christmas snow. We had the best time planning and writing these stories and adding to our Pinterest boards too.

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?

Three women from the same family face Christmas in a small town where everyone knows everyone and their pasts. Enter three men who shake up their world and open up a chance for love if these women can only step out in faith to seek restoration not only for the town but their own hearts. These stories are like wrapping in a cozy blanket with hot chocolate by a fire on a cold day.

What genre do you focus on?

I love any story that connects the past to the present in some way, which honestly is nearly every story. It’s particularly why I love reading and writing split time fiction. But even in these Christmas novellas, we have history woven within the pages just like I like it with our main characters being part of the town’s founding family who built a beautiful chapel that is a focal point of the town.

Who is your main character, and how did you choose that name?

My main character is Mattie. She is named for my maternal great-grandmother who I share a birthday with. I thought it was a special tribute to her, and the name stuck to my character from the beginning. She had to be Mattie.

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

I love getting lost in the story world and have my characters come alive on the page. So, the creative process is a lot of fun for me including all the research. But I also love interacting with readers whether online or in person and attending book signings and events.

What’s one thing your readers should know about you?

I absolutely love to travel. In fact, having visited over a dozen countries, my stories are fueled by first-hand accounts from these experiences as well as passion for history, culture, and languages. I’ve had a few return trips to countries including the one I just took in July with my husband and son to England and Scotland. What amazing memories we made!

What is your favorite pastime?

Besides traveling, writing, and reading, I also enjoy doing genealogy research, acting in plays, singing, photography, and visiting coffeeshop and bookstores.

Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

This book is my only published work of fiction for adults. However, I did publish a book with Melanie Dobson about how to write split time/dual timeline fiction. I also am a published children’s author under the pen name, M.L. Tarpley.

What are you working on now?

I’m considering an idea for another novella collection, and I’m polishing up a split time novel manuscript and proposal for my agent to send out.

Thanks so much for having me as your guest today! I’ve enjoyed it.


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