Meet author Linda J. White

A native of Washington, D.C., I’ve been a government worker, a stay-at-home mom, and a newspaper editorial writer. I started writing fiction thirty years ago, when my husband, who made training films for the FBI, encouraged me to write. I believe in the power of story to convey transcendent truth.  I have twelve published books, all mystery/suspense with some romantic elements. I live in Yorktown, Virginia, near my daughter and her family.

Tell us about your newest book.

A Great and Terrible Darkness is the sixth book in my popular K-9 Search & Rescue series. The series follows the story of Jessica Chamberlain Cooper, a former homicide detective turned private investigator, and her rowdy German shepherd, Luke. Mentored by Nathan Tanner, a wounded war veteran, Jess learns SAR, saves lives, discovers faith, and finds love.

What inspired you to write A Great and Terrible Darkness?

Almost everyone who walks with Jesus will experience something that challenges their faith: a difficult diagnosis, a failed relationship, the loss of a job, or the death of a loved one. I wanted to explore the “why” and “where is God” questions that naturally follow those experiences.

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb?

Jessica Cooper and her dog Luke help search for a missing college student in the mountains of Virginia. After her mentor, Nate, loses his wife he falls into despair. He decides to solo hike the Appalachian Trail through those very same mountains, a decision that alarms Jess. Circumstances collide, paths cross, and in the end, it’s Jess who’s in a fight for her life.

What genre do you focus on?

Mystery-suspense because it’s what I tend to read. My late-husband’s connection with the FBI gave me the inside-scoop on the Bureau’s procedures and practices. I try to write as authentically as I can.

Why do you write?

I write to make sense of life, to process questions I have or thoughts about faith. I write because I believe God called me to write, and to help others move closer to him through stories. I write because I can’t not write (believe me, I’ve tried!).

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?

My writing work schedule has varied over the years. I am retired now (and widowed) and have the freedom to write when I want to. I publish a book a year and usually begin writing the next book as I’m putting the final touches on the current book. I write in the morning for about four hours, take a break, and then edit in the evening. I have to say I’m pretty obsessive about it once the story gets rolling!

What is the hardest part of being an author?

Sometimes the writing flows, and that’s a joy, but sometimes it can be incredibly difficult translating the images in my head into words that express those thoughts.

What’s the best part of your author’s life?

When I write, I feel I am fulfilling my purpose. I think I was created to write, so for me, writing becomes an act of worship. Paraphrasing Eric Liddell, when I write, “I feel his pleasure.” And that’s the very best part of any creative project.

What is your favorite pastime?

I love birdwatching, the beach, hiking, spending time with my family, and teaching Bible studies. I also love dogs, but sadly I’m without one for the first time in fifty years. My Sheltie, Keira, died in November.

Do you have other books? We’d love to know.

A Great and Terrible Darkness is my twelfth book. The first six are FBI thrillers and the second six are K-9 Search & Rescue books. Most have romantic elements, all are designed to keep you reading right to the satisfying ending.

What are you working on now?

I am just beginning the seventh book in my SAR series. No title yet. I’m just starting the research, but I know it will be set on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.


Link to book: (Susan, I’ll send this as soon as I have it, in early May.)

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