Meet author Kathy Harris

Kathy Harris is an author by way of a divine detour into the Nashville entertainment business where she works as a marketing director. For several years she freelanced entertainer biographies and wrote, as well as ghost wrote, news stories and columns for various music publications. She sold her first Christian nonfiction story in 2007. Her debut novel, The Road to Mercy, released in 2012.

Tell us about your newest book.

Deadly Commitment (Book 1 in the Deadly Secrets series) releases October 14 from New Hope Publishing/Iron Stream Media.

How would you describe this book to someone in a 30-second blurb? Danni Kemp fears she’s being stalked—but the truth is much more deadly. Her new fiancé́, Robert Evans, has a dangerous secret, and the homeless man who is stalking her, Caleb Samuels, may prove to be her only escape. Will Danni discover in time that neither Robert nor Caleb are what they appear to be, and that the one person she fears the most may be the person she needs to trust?

What genre do you focus on and why? My first novel, The Road to Mercy (Abingdon Press, September 2012), was a stand alone women’s fiction. Then, both my agent and my editor suggested I write romantic suspense. I was comfortable with the idea because I’d read a lot of romantic suspense. And my long-time critique partner, Rebecca Deel, writes romantic suspense. Subsequently, my first romantic suspense manuscript ultimately became Deadly Commitment.

Why do you write? What drives you?

I’ve dreamed of writing books since I was a little girl. With that in mind, I went to college for a communications journalism degree. But, after graduation, my life took a turn. I was offered a job nearly two hundred miles away in the Nashville music business. That job turned into a four-decade music marketing career. About fifteen years ago, I decided it was time to get back to writing. After a few false starts trying to write general market fiction, I realized that my calling was to write Christian fiction. Once I figured that out, I finished my first manuscript relatively quickly.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing a book?

I still work full time, so writing has to be shoehorned into my day. Sometimes that’s early in the morning, but most often it’s at night. There have been many nights when I have literally fallen asleep at my computer. Funny enough, that works great for me, because my internal editor tends to go to sleep early, leaving me free to write without her. Ha!

What is the hardest part of being an author? Why?

Having so many stories in my head but not enough time to get them all out. As Maya Angelou once said, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” In the end, however, I’m grateful for all that I have been able to do so far.

What’s the best part of your author’s life? Why?

Telling stories. And “meeting” new fictional characters and getting to know them. Writing has taught me a lot about myself, as well as others. I’ve learned that, no matter how different our experiences may be, we all deal with the same problems and emotions. Fear. Loss. Loneliness. Similarly, we all rejoice when we discover love. Or second chances. Most of all, I enjoy writing about the amazing grace and mercy of our Lord.

What’s one thing your readers should know about you?

I’m an extroverted introvert. While I can be gregarious and outgoing, I’m essentially quite shy.

What is your favorite pastime?

I love spending time with my dog, my friends, and my family, not necessarily in that order. Ha! I enjoy cooking for special people in my life. I enjoy going on long walks, not only for health benefits, but because I like to explore new places, whether that’s a remote hiking trail or downtown Nashville. Nashville has grown exponentially in the past five-ten years, so quickly that even those of us who live here have a difficult time keeping up with the changes.

What are you working on now?

I’m working on the second book in the Deadly Secrets series, which is expected to release Fall 2020. The third book is set to release Fall 2021. If your readers would like to know more about the series, they can sign up for my newsletter on my website!


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Thanks so much for having me as you guest, Susan! Blessings!





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